Saturday 18 April 2020

And he rested on Friday

With the addition of some junior events, I am now running 6 online events a week. Friday is the only day of rest for me, although I do produce some online content on that day as well. As the numbers increase, I am also starting to get requests from non-Canberra players who want to register and take part. And following discussions with other committee members it looks like the membership rules will be relaxed (in some circumstances) for specific events.
Here is a summary of the events currently being run on by the ACTCA/ACTJCL/Street Chess

  • Monday Blitz 7:00pm G/5m Swiss/Arena alternating (ACT players)
  • Tuesday Rapid 7:00pm G10m+2s Swiss (ACT Players)
  • Wednesday Junior Rapid 1:30pm G/10m Swiss (Junior Chess Players Only)
  • Thursday Standard 7:00pm 60m+30s 1 round per week (Currently ACT players, but will be open for next tournament)
  • Street Chess Saturday 11:15am G/15m, 7 round swiss (Interested players!)
  • Sunday Junior Rapid 10:00 am G/15m (Junior Players Only)

The specific clubs for each events are
- ACTCA Chess Club (for ACT Players)
- Canberra Junior Chess Club (for Junior Players, open to non-ACT players)
- Street Chess 2 (for Street Chess, open to non-ACT players)

For the next standard event, contact me via email ( if you wish to take part.

For all events, players must identify themselves (with a real name) when applying to join.

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