Saturday 27 June 2020

Australia v Young Russia

A team of very strong Australian Players took on the Russian Under 16 team in an Arena Match on Lichess. After 2 hours of play, the Russian Team won by 98 points to 83. While the Australian team was more consistent, it was the performance of IM Stefan Pogosyan and Murzin Volodar that made the difference. As Arena events rewards wining streaks with double points (after 2 consecutive wins), the 7 game winning streaks both players had in the middle of the event were decisive. In contrast, the best scoring Australian player, GM Temur Kuybokarov, was the only player to earn bonus points (for a 4 game winning streak towards the end of the tournament). Indeed, if the game had been scored as a normal match, the Australian team would have narrowly won 38.5-37.5 (assuming my maths is correct).

Mikhail Kobalia - Junta Ikeda [B51]
Russia - Australian Kangaroos Team Battle, 2020.06.27

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