Sunday 8 May 2022

2022 ACTJCL GM Simul

 GM Hrant Melkumyan, winner of this years Doeberl Cup, took on 18 ACT junior players in a simultaneous display today. While a number of players made him work for his wins, and there was a drawing line that might have been missed in the final game, he ended up with a perfect 18 wins and no losses.

However the quality of play was quite high in most of the games, although the GM technique of picking up small pieces of material at regular intervals was on full display. While every player survived the first hour, and most reached 20 moves, it was in the middlegame where most players came undone. A few players did survive to the ending (including one game that went past 60 moves), but in those cases, the positions were hard to save.

Nonetheless it was a great learning experience for the ACT players, resulting in requests that it (a) be repeated and (b) why isn't their a simul for grown ups as well!

Melkumyan,Hrant - Cheng,Jerry [A12]
2022 ACTJCL GM Simul , 08.05.2022

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