Wednesday 2 March 2016

Kings Gambit Counterattack

It has been a while since I had a good look at ChessToday, which  I have used in the past as a resource for this blog, chess magazines, coaching, general study etc It still provides good coverage of the chess events from the world, and does a good job of collecting games (especially endgames) from these events.
Looking through one of the most recent issues I came across a nice tactical game from the Bunratty Masters. The finish is quite nice, but I thought the whole build up was a good example of keeping your opponent on the back foot through constant threats.

Cabanas,Manuel (2070) - Costachi,Mihnea (2409) [C30]
Bunratty Masters Bunratty, Ireland (1), 19.02.2016


Chris Skulte said...

Side note, this was a great tournament to play in if anyone is visiting Europe. Lots of drinking and friendly people. Also the blitz tournament on the Sunday night is a good laugh as they allow talking in games. :)

Graham Clayton said...

The finish is very nice 23. Bxb2 Be3# - Boden's mate.