The 2012 O2C Doeberl Cup ended in a 4 way tie for first place, after Indian IM K Rathnakaran defeated countryman IM P Karthikeyan in a dramatic last round game. Once the result of that game was known, GM's Adam Horvath and Gergely Szabo immediately shook hands to ensure a share of first place. On board 3 GM Levente Vajda then ground out a win against GM Deep Sengupta to become the fourth player on 7/9.
Not only did the win for Rathnakaran leave him in first place, but he also scored a GM norm, and picked up a bonus $1000 as the sole recipient of the tournaments fighting fund. However the ultimate destination of the Doeberl Cup trophy was GM Adam Horvath who had the best tie-break of the 4 players.
This year the event was dominated by the foreign players, although the depature of Zong Yuan Zhao due to ill health after 4 rounds did contribute to this. However a quartet of Australian IM's finished in the group on 6 points. These were IM Stephen Solomon, IM Gary Lane, IM George Xie and IM Moulthun Ly. One player who would have been delighted to join them was FM Bobby Cheng, as a last round win would have earned him an IM norm, but a loss to IM Akshat Khamparia dashed his hopes.
In the Major Alana Chibnall drew her first two games, and then scored 5 straight win to tie for first with Michael Yu. However her slow start left her with an inferior tie-break and Yu took home the first place trophy. In the Minor tournament Dimity Li defeated previous tournament leader David Cannon to take first place on tie break ahead of Nathan Davidson.
Full results from each of the tournaments, as well as the Saturday night Lightning is available from You can also download games from the premier from the results page (currently top 20 boards up until round 7, but more will appear in the next couple of days).
Rathnakaran,K - Kartikeyan,P
2012 O2C Doeberl Cup Premier Canberra, Australia (9.2), 09.04.2012
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. b3 d5 3. Bb2 c5 4. e3 e6 5. Be2 Be7 6. O-O Nc6 7. d4 O-O 8. Nbd2 b6 9. Ne5 Bb7 10. f4 Rc8 11. Rf3 Ne4 12. Nxc6 Bxc6 13. Rh3 cxd4 14. Nxe4 dxe4 15. Ba6 Rc7 16. Qh5 h6 17. Bxd4 Bf6 18. c3 Bxd4 19. cxd4 Bd5 20. Rg3 Kh8 21. f5 f6 22. Rf1 Qe8 23. Rg6 e5 24. dxe5 Qxe5 25. Rf4 Rd8 26. h3 Bg8 27. Be2 Bh7 28. Rg3 Rc1+ 29. Kh2 Qa1 30. Rgg4 Rh1+ 31. Kg3 Qe1+ 32. Rf2 Qd2 33. Rxe4 Qd7 34. Bc4 Re1 35. Rff4 b5 36. Be6 Qd2 37. Qf3 Qxa2 38. Rd4 Rf8 39. Rd7 Bg8 40. Rg4 g5 41. fxg6 1-0