Friday 10 June 2022

A 4 way election for FIDE President

 Nominations have closed for the upcoming FIDE Presidential elections and although 5 tickets were lodged, only 4 met the eligibility criteria. The one that missed out was actually the first to go public, the Fumey/Fancy ticket. Part of their motivation was to show that international chess shouldn't just be about European  federations, which was ironically their undoing, as no European federation would nominate them.

The 4 eligible tickets are

- Mr. Andrii Baryshpolets and Mr. Peter-Heine Nielsen;

- Mr. Inalbek Cheripov and Mr. Lewis Ncube;

- Mr. Arkady Dvorkovich and Mr. Anand Viswanathan;

- Mr. Bachar Kouatly and Mr. Ian Wilkinson.

Each ticket required a minimum of 5 federations to support the nomination and there had to be at least one federation from each of the 4 continents (which is what the Fumey ticket failed to achieve). Oddly Ukraine did not nominate Baryshpolets (who is Ukrainian), instead supporting the Cherirpov ticket. Australia nominated  the Kouatly ticket, while NZ nominated the Baryshpolets ticket. And South Sudan tried to cover more than one base by nominating two separate tickets, but it was ruled that only their first nomination (Baryshpolets) would be accepted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surprising that Fumey didn’t get the PNG vote give. His Vice President was from PNG.