Saturday 29 January 2022

Survival of the Smartest?

 Chess in Canberra has received some fantastic media coverage of the last few years, due in no small part  to James Buckley. He is a sports writer for the Canberra Times, as well as being a more than handy chess player. As a result, a lot of chess coverage ends up being featured in the sports section (alongside cricket or rugby), rather than being relegated to the 'lifestyle' section.

Towards the end of February, James is taking part in a 'Special Forces Challenge' to raise money for the Terry Campese Foundation. Along with a number of other Canberra sporting and business identities, James is spending 30 hours being put through the wringer by a 'bunch of ex-army types'. While most of the challenges are physical in nature, there is a psychological component as well.

As it is for a good cause, and to support a good bloke, it would be great if the Canberra (and wider) chess community jumped on board. You can see the details at and help James get to his $5000 target, buy clicking on his picture to make a donation. 

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