Saturday 22 January 2022

Superficial chess?

 While I think 15 minutes chess hits the sweet spot between the thud and blunder of blitz, and the longer thinking of classical chess, it can let players get away from bad positions a little easily. If you can keep up the threats (even material down), your opponent may run short of time (or rush to avoid this), increasing the chance of a blunder.

Todays example comes from Street Chess, where White walked into a fairly well known trap, but then put Black under so much pressure that they cracked.

Chibnall,Alana - Radisich,Matt [A51]
Street Chess 22.01.2022


Ira Patkar said...

Good morning Shaun,

I heard about Gungahlin Chess Club from the Gungahlin library and came to visit last Tuesday chess club and got the information that the chess club is starting from 1st February.
My 8-year-old son is interested to join the Chess club with you. He plays chess at home and school and he is learning quite well.
Can I get more information on how to join the Gungahlin chess club?


Shaun Press said...

Hi Ira, the easiest way to join is to turn up on the 1st of February at 7pm. There will be a couple of people (including myself) who will be willing to assist you. The first event will be a fast chess event (lightning), but the club also organises friendly games for new players, just to get them settled in.

Ira Patkar said...

Hi Shaun,

Thanks for the prompt reply. We will be there on Tuesday 1st.
