Friday 14 January 2022

I guess you can try this

 There is very little that is new under the sub, except weird chess openings. During one of the ACTJCL Online Events being run over the Summer holidays, I came across a combined 3 Knights/Latvian opening, which I do not believe I have ever seen before. As an added bonus Black won, which lead me to think that it may not be bad after all. It turns out that it probably is, but not bad enough as to render it unplayable. A little digging showed that it had been played in other games, including a game between lower rated players, which ended in a win for Black.


Pfeifer,Andreas (1950) - Szitas,Gabor (2170) [C46]
Syre Memorial op 20th Issy les Moulineaux, 05.1997

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