Sunday 28 February 2016

A Presidential chess player

This is a slightly old article but an interesting one given current events. Bernie Sanders, Chess Master? Written just before he decided to run for United States President, it shows Sanders participating in a simul in his home state of Vermont. Although the article did not say how ell he played, he did last over an hour, and at least the picture in the article doesn't show anything too stupid.
Given his background and history, I would be a little surprised if he did not play chess, but I also assume that pesky things like politics and public service were a priority. Nonetheless, it would be nice to have a semi-serious chess player in the White House.


Anonymous said...

There are various stories about Ted Cruz also playing chess. They have ranged from stories about him playing multiple games at once to a picture where his set (although with fancy non-standard pieces) had one King and Queen setup reversed

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton was a crossword aficionado. But did that help the Puzzlers League (or whatever their name is) any way? Silly to think that because a politico has an interest in a game, that it is meaningful.

Anonymous said...

"May your leader be interested in chess" - sounds more like a proverbial curse, than a positive.