Tuesday 27 November 2012

Presented without comment

Press,Shaun - Hosking,Ian [A42]
Swiss Festive Fun, 27.11.2012


Anonymous said...

Top game. Was there anything better than 22...Ng5+?

Anonymous said...

22..Ng5+ looks ok, follow up with 23..Nxe4 immediately instead of Qd2-Qd4 allowing h4 and an escape for the King.
If 23..Nxe4 24. Nxe4 Qxe4 --> b7 pawn will fall as 25. Ba6? Qd4+ 26. Kf1 Qd1+ is mating. and if 25. Rc8 Qe3#.
24. Rf3!? in the above line is interesting.

Anonymous said...

How about 22...Nxh2+ and ...Ng4.

Dylann Andre said...

What about that? Yes....