Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Do you think you could win this?

The diagrammed position came from the Vachier-Lagrave v Tomashevsky game played yesterday at the Tbilisi Grand Prix event. Pawnless endings are reasonably rare in chess, although John Nunn did write an entire book about them. In this case it was R v BBN which was fortunate for Tomashevsky, as R v BNN is almost always drawn after RxB.
Of course to win this ending, you also need to know how to win the simpler(?) KNB v K position as well. In the above game MVL did not 'ask' Toamshevsky if he could do this with RxB at the end, but I suspect at lower levels this would have been tried.
I've also attached the whole game to the post, as how they got to the diagrammed position is just as interesting as what happened once they reached it.

Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime (2775) - Tomashevsky,Evgeny (2716) [C88]
Grandprix Tbilisi 2015 Tbilisi (8.4), 23.02.2015

1 comment:

Garvin said...

And in general club events with 10 second increments and players of average ratings, exchanging after a while to KBN v K is probably the best chance of a draw.