Tuesday 22 February 2022

2022 O2C Doeberl Cup - 7 weeks out

 Just a quick update on the 2022 O2C Doeberl Cup. Entries for the tournament have already passed to 100 mark (in fact 120 at the time of this post). The Premier already has 5 GM's, 1 WGM and 4 IM's registered. With overseas visitors now allowed into the country, a number of OS players have already registered.

To try and balance the numbers in each section, the entry requirements have been relaxed a little. Having a FIDE rating above the ACF cutoff now qualifies you for a section as well, meaning that it is easier to get into a higher section. The rule about using your rating at the time of entry still applies, so some players may wish to enter before the end of this month (before new ACF rating are published).

If you are planning to enter, head over to https://www.doeberlcup.com.au/ to register. All the event details are there, including accommodation options for the Easter weekend.

(** I am the chief organiser for this event ** )

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