A tactical exercise from a game I played the other day. While I eventually won from this position, I missed the instant crusher in this position. It is Black to play and win.
1. Bd3+ Kg1. 2. Re8 [2. Be2 axb4 3. d1=Q Rxd1 4 Bxd1 =] h3!(h4) 3. Re1+ Kh2 ∞ and white survives i think.
So 1. Re8 f4, but then 2. Bd3+ Kg1 [Kf2 3. Bc5+ Kf3. 4 Be2#] 3.Bc5+ Bf2 4 Re1 Rxe1 5 dxe1=R#
Finally 1. Re8 Be5!? 2. Rxe5 [2. Bd3+ Kg1 3. Rxe5 h3 4 Re1+ Kh2 5. Rxh1(a1) Rxh1(a1) 6.Bc2 axb4 7. d1=Q Rxd1 Bxd1 -/+] f4 [g4?! 3. Be4! Rg1 4. Bxd5 renewing Re1#] 3.Re1+ Kf2 4. Bc5+ Kg3 [Kf3 5. g4+! king goes to g3 or f4 thus unable to return to e2 after rook exchanges and Bc2, snagging the bishop for the Rook after d1=Q] but then Rxh1(a1) and Bc2 with d1=Q to follow -/+
1. ... Re8 2. f3 so perhaps 1. ... Bd3+ 2. Kg1 Be2 with the threat of d1(Q)+ to follow?
then 3. axb4 d1=Q 4. Rxd1 Bxd1 with roughly equal material
Not checked with computer.
1. Bd3+ Kg1. 2. Re8 [2. Be2 axb4 3. d1=Q Rxd1 4 Bxd1 =] h3!(h4) 3. Re1+ Kh2 ∞ and white survives i think.
So 1. Re8 f4, but then 2. Bd3+ Kg1 [Kf2 3. Bc5+ Kf3. 4 Be2#] 3.Bc5+ Bf2 4 Re1 Rxe1 5 dxe1=R#
Finally 1. Re8 Be5!? 2. Rxe5 [2. Bd3+ Kg1 3. Rxe5 h3 4 Re1+ Kh2 5. Rxh1(a1) Rxh1(a1) 6.Bc2 axb4 7. d1=Q Rxd1 Bxd1 -/+] f4 [g4?! 3. Be4! Rg1 4. Bxd5 renewing Re1#] 3.Re1+ Kf2 4. Bc5+ Kg3 [Kf3 5. g4+! king goes to g3 or f4 thus unable to return to e2 after rook exchanges and Bc2, snagging the bishop for the Rook after d1=Q] but then Rxh1(a1) and Bc2 with d1=Q to follow -/+
How's Bc2?
1. ... Bd3+; 2. Kg1, Rc8 looks interesting.
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