Thursday, 5 January 2023

2023 Australian Open - Day 3

 Although 4 rounds have now been completed in the 2023 Australian Open, the leading pack of players has only been thinned a little. GM's Temur Kuybokarov (AUS) and Jingyao Tin (SGP) are on 4/4, as is WGM Thi Kim Phung Vo (VIE). They are closely followed by GM Darryl Johansen, IM James Morris, WIM Hong Anh Nguyen, Yihe Fu and Tony Weller, all on 3.5. Of all the players in this group, 54th seed Weller is the most surprising (and possibly the most surprised!).  An upset win over Mark Vliestra in the 4th round moved him show ring, where he faces IM James Morris in the 5th round.

The Minor also sees three players on 4/4, Benny Chan, Lucas Lee and Jayden Arav. 

Today (5th Jan) is another double round day. Round 5 is happening as I type this, while Round 6 starts at 1530 Perth time.

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