Monday 25 April 2016

Leading with your chin

When Frank Marshall wheeled out the Marshall Gambit against Capablanca, much was made of the fact that Capablanca refuted it over the board (having never seen it before). Why this was such a big thing I was never sure. Every time a player faces something new (especially at the top level) there is the opportunity to refute the idea, or to go down in flames.
At the current Norway tournament, Nils Grandelius tried to do a 'Marshall', by playing a Nimzowitsch Sicilian against Magnus Carlsen. Despite having been caught unaware, Carlsen figured that sensible moves should suffice, although a piece sacrifice on move 10 stretches that definition a little. However Grandelius overplayed his hand a few moves later, and was forced to return a rook. After that it was smooth sailing for the World Champion.

Carlsen,M (2851) - Grandelius,N (2649) [B29]
4th Norway Chess 2016 Stavanger NOR (3), 21.04.2016

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