Wednesday 23 October 2024

The end of the tour

 After 3 months away from Australia, it is time to head home. Most of my chess activity was related to being an arbiter, as I worked on or ran 5 events over the last 3 months. However I did squeeze in some actual games, playing both tournament and casual chess as I went.

If my memory hasn't failed me I played 18 tournament games during my time away. I managed to win 8, draw 7, and lose 3. I probably played another 10 or so casual games, where I think I won 5 and drew 5. So while not on the same scale as Capablanca's first tour of Europe, I was happy with the results I achieved.

Overall I spent around 30 of the 90 days away engaged chess activities, most of them as a tournament arbiter. While working at the Olympiad was the centerpiece of the trip, playing in the event at Appletreewick was definitely the highlight as a player.

After I get back, I will be straight back into arbiting and playing, with Street Chess this coming Saturday the first event on the calendar.

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