Wednesday 9 February 2022

Happy 100 Yuri

 GM Yuri Averbakh has just turned 100 years old, which I'm guessing makes him the oldest GM ever. Born in 1922 his chess career start before World War II, but really flourished after the war finished. He played in the 1953 Candidates Match, and was a regular competitor up until the 1990's (an even played a few games as late as 2007). He was renowned endgame theorist writing a number of important books in this field.

In the 1950' and 60's he travelled to a number of non Warsaw-Pact countries, as part of chess goodwill tours.  He played in the Australian Championship in 1960, as a guest players, and scored 14/15. During that event he faced most of the leading Australian players, including former World CC Champion, CJS Purdy


Averbakh,Yuri L - Purdy,Cecil John Seddon [A34]
AUS-ch Adelaide (4), 08.10.1960

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