Tuesday 29 December 2020

I feel like Homer Simpson

 FIDE have just (re)announced amended regulations for next years World Cup, which is likely to be held in Sochi, Russia. The event has been expanded to 206 players, with each country in the top hundred (based on rating) getting to nominate a player. Previously, this was the teams that finished in the top 100 at the 2020 Olympiad, but this has obviously needed to be changed. There is also players qualifying from zonals and continental championships, as well as players qualifying by rating.  

The other change is that the top 50 players get seeded into the second round, with 156 players playing the first round. There are also similar changes to the Women's World Cup, although the smaller size of the event (103 players) means that only the top 39 countries (by rating) will get to nominate a player directly.

The full details and regulations can be found here

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