Saturday 17 November 2018

2018 World Championship - Another (interesting) draw

The 5th game of the 2018 World Championship once again ended in a draw, but at least this one looked interesting. Caruana played an early pawn sacrifice in the Sicilian, but Carlsen found the right replies (NB The theory up to move 11 dates back to the early 1980's). By move 16 White had a pawn on c7, but this was easily covered by Carlsen's King, which he decided to stroll around the board over the next 17 moves, before it ended up on f5 (having journeyed as far as c3 by move 26).
Tonight is the last game before the colours 'switch', with Carlsen being white and then white again in round 7 (to avoid the same player always being White after a rest day). Hopefully he will decide this is the best opportunity to grab the lead in the match, and as a result we see a more unbalanced position out of the opening.

Caruana,F (2832) - Carlsen,M (2835) [B31]
WCh 2018 London ENG (5), 15.11.2018


Adamski said...

Definitely tine for a decisive game.

nope said...

Fitzy looked at the 2-1/2 each score and proclaimed: 2 wins a piece, with one draw!

nope said...

This was what his column originally said (since corrected):
Magnus Carlsen and Fabiano Caruana. The Norwegian and the American are locking pawns in London in a gripping contest to be world champion of Chess. As we speak they have played five game, with the scores locked at two wins and a draw for each man.