Sunday 26 April 2015

A brutal day at the office

The Shamkir (Gashimov Memorial) is providing wonderful evening entertainment for chess fans around the world. For whatever reasons, the organisers seem to have the right mix of players taking part, and the fortuitous time difference between Australia and Azerbaijan means that the games are on in 'prime time' ie from 8pm until midnight or so.
Usually there is at least one game per round that has some fireworks, and tonight it was Adams Giri game. Adams played the g3 line against the Najdorf and for a while everything looked normal. Then Adams offered a pawn on the queenside, Giri snaffled it, Adams gained a tempo, and then it all kicked off. Adams pushed his h pawn, and suddenly Giri was in big trouble. It is not clear what he could have done to deal with the kingside pawn rush, but his attempts at defending, while unsuccessful, at least allowed Adams to show some nice tactical flourishes.  A nice win by Adams, his first of the tournament.

Adams,Michael - Giri,Anish [B80]
Shamkir, 25.04.2015

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