Friday, 6 June 2014

More King Walking

While Blitz games are a mixed bag at best they are (like boxing) at least fun to watch. The Norway tournament had a blitz event at the start, and this resulted in at least one talked about game (Carlsen v Caruana 1-0). However I did spot a couple of other interesting games including the following one. Agdestein went the pawn hack against Svidler but ended up in a position that reminds me of a Nimzowitsch game (I forget which one). Then Agdestein looked for salvation with the exchange of queens but instead had his king dragged up to board, and into mate!

Agdestein,Simen (2628) - Svidler,Peter (2753) [A40]
No Logo Norway Chess 2014 Blitz (6.3), 02.06.2014

Start positionPrevious MoveNext MoveEnd positionPlay movesStop playing
1. d4 g6 2. c4 Bg7 3. e4 Nc6 4. Ne2 e5 5. d5 Nd4 6. Nxd4 exd4 7. Bd3 c5 8. O-O d6 9. f4 Nf6 10. e5 Ng4 11. e6 Qh4 12. h3 Ne3 13. Bxe3 dxe3 14. exf7+ Kxf7 15. Nc3 Re8 16. Qf3 Kg8 17. Kh2 Bd7 18. Rae1 Bd4 19. Nd1 Re7 20. Re2 Rae8 21. Nc3 Rf8 22. Qg3 Qxg3+ 23. Kxg3 g5 24. f5 Be5+ 25. Kg4 h5+ 26. Kxg5 Rg7+ 27. Kh4 Bf6+ 28. Kxh5 Be8+ 29. Kh6 Rh7# 0-1

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