GM Daniel Fernandez (ENG) and IM Junta Ikeda (AUS) have tied for first in the 2021 NSW Open, both with an undefeated 6/7. They started the day with draws in the 6th round (Fernandez against IM Gary Lane and Ikeda against IM James Morris), before both winning their final round games. Fernandez defeated Kerry Lin on the top board, while Ikeda beat Gary Lane on board 2.
The minor places were filled by IM James Morris, Sterling Bayaca and Harry Press. Due to the large field in the Open (78 players) and results in the earlier rounds, Fernandez and Ikeda did not play each other. Only Lin and Lane played both of the winners, while the field was much more varied for the other top finishers.
The Under 1600 tournament also saw a tie for 1st place, with Savin Peramunetilleke and Jason Pan finishing on 6/7. Pan lost to Peramunetilleke in round 4, but was able to catch up by winning his final round game against unrated Benjamin Tee. Tee who score an impressive 5/7, actually started the event with a bye, due to the alphabetical sorting of the unrated players in this tournament!
The tournament was very successful, with the 140 places on offer filling up 3 weeks out. Apart from the usual issues with poorly behaved junior players, the tournament ran pretty smoothly. Quite pleasing were the number of new (adult) players taking part, some of whom did very well.
Final crosstables for the tournament are at (Open and Minor)
Ikeda,Junta - Lane,Gary [C78]
2021 NSW Open Sydney, Australia (7.2), 14.06.2021
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Bb7 7. Re1 Bc5 8. c3 d6 9. d4 Bb6 10. Be3 O-O 11. Nbd2 Re8 12. d5 Ne7 13. Bxb6 cxb6 14. Bc2 g6 15. Nf1 Nh5 16. Qd2 Kg7 17. Ne3 Rf8 18. g3 Bc8 19. Nh4 f5 20. exf5 Nxf5 21. Nhxf5+ gxf5 22. f4 Qf6 23. Rf1 exf4 24. gxf4 Kh8 25. Kh1 Ra7 26. Bd1 Ng7 27. Bf3 Rc7 28. Rg1 Bb7 29. Rg5 Re7 30. Rg3 Rc8 31. Rag1 a5 32. a3 Rce8 33. Nc2 Rc8 34. h3 Rc5 35. Kh2 Ba8 36. Nd4 Rc8 37. Nxb5 Rf8 38. Qg2 Qh6 39. Rg5 Bb7 40. Nxd6 Bc8 41. Nc4 Rg8 42. Ne5 Qf6 43. Qg3 Qh6 44. Bh5 Rf8 45. d6 Ree8 1-0