Sunday 3 June 2018

This looks like one of my games

The Altibox tournament from Norway is interesting in more ways than one. There have already been a couple of high profile casualties, including Ding Liren, and the Grunfeld Defence. Liren injured himself in a bike accident, and has had to withdraw (his score has been annulled for the event, although the games still count for ratings).
Last night saw Karjakin lose to Caruana, in a game that reminded me of some of my own efforts. An attempt at hacking the English Opening didn't quite work, but instead of digging in, Karjakin set fire to the board, and only succeeded in burning his own fingers!

Caruana,Fabiano (2822) - Karjakin,Sergey (2782) [A28]
6th Norway Chess 2018 Stavanger NOR (5.2), 02.06.2018

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