Of ten the decision to make a trade like this depends on two factors. Either you hope to co-ordinate your remaining pieces, or you hope to target the weaknesses in your opponents position. If you can do both then the end result may be in your favour, but if you have one but not the other, a draw may instead be the outcome.
In the following classic game Richard Reti plays a Queen for Rook and Minor exchange, banking on his connected rooks and active minor pieces to provide him with play. He even gets some threats against the White King, but with Rubinstein is able to cover any weak points,the game eventually ends in a draw, as Black is clearly taking a repetition.
Rubinstein,Akiba - Reti,Richard [E68]
London BCF Congress London (1), 1922
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d6 3. c4 Nbd7 4. Nc3 e5 5. g3 g6 6. Bg2 Bg7 7. O-O O-O 8. e4 b6 9. h3 Bb7 10. d5 Nh5 11. Ne1 Qe8 12. Bf3 Nhf6 13. Be3 Kh8 14. Nd3 Nc5 15. Bg2 Nh5 16. Bf3 Nf6 17. b4 Nxd3 18. Qxd3 Ng8 19. c5 f5 20. c6 Bc8 21. Kh2 Qe7 22. Bg2 f4 23. Bd2 Qf6 24. Nb5 Ba6 25. a4 Rf7 26. a5 Raf8 27. axb6 Bxb5 28. Qxb5 axb6 29. Ra3 fxg3+ 30. fxg3 Qxf1 31. Bxf1 Rxf1 32. Be3 Bh6 33. g4 Bxe3 34. Rxe3 g5 35. Qa6 Ne7 36. Re2 Ng6 37. Qb7 R1f7 38. Ra2 Kg7 39. Ra7 Rf2+ 1/2-1/2