Saturday, 8 August 2015

Some freelance software work (* with the emphasis on free)

Spurred on by a request in an earlier comment, I have made the effort to develop a DGT game display system that does not use flash. It is written in Javascript/jQuery and is designed to run on browsers that do not/ cannot have flash (which is what the standard DGT display system uses).
At this stage it is till in alpha (a little extra parsing work, plus improved layout changes), but it does read native DGT format files and allows you to replay games.
If you wish to give it a test, have a look at
Once I get it bullet proof I will put it up for download at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can a freelance work be helpful for a blog related to chess. Do you have any freelance work related to the chess or related to your blog? Add Any Project