Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Back to club chess

 The 2025 club chess season is up and running, at least for Canberra clubs. My home club (Eastlakes Gungahlin) is running two events to start the year. Although they are both 60m+30s 1 round per week tournaments, they have been split into Under 18s and Over 18s. Normally such a split would be to encourage the younger players, but in this case it is the older players we are looking at to join. 

The junior event has attracted a healthy field of 27 players, with some of Canberra's strongest juniors taking part. On the top board, there was an interesting opposite coloured bishop ending reached. Often these can end in draws (as this one did), but only because White missed a nice idea in the diagrammed position. A couple of spectators spotted it, but can you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I recently lost a game with opposite colored bishops where my opponent had a passed pawn on each side. After I resigned he suggested some defense or other and I said "you can win that position even without your bishop!" By the way, a while ago I posted a comment for you at https://chessexpress.blogspot.com/2022/06/looking-for-mate-in-2s.html , not sure if you saw it. --an ordinary chessplayer