Sunday 13 October 2024

A win for the team

 Quite unexpectedly I was called up for a league match in the Woodhouse Cup (Yorkshire) today. One of the reasons it was unexpected as I was enjoying my holiday in London, and the venue was Harrogate which is a good 3 hours by train away.

Nonetheless I fronted up for Leeds, against the home team, for a match which was to be played over 8 boards. I landed on board 6, although my opponent was rated about the same as me. In the end we were the last to finish, and I recorded the only win form Leeds. It was a tough day our for the rest of the team, as we went down 1.5-6.5. 

My game was typical of the tough English chess I've come across in previous visits, and I had to work hard for the win. I thought I was better for most of the game, but one poor move threw the result into doubt, although in mutual time trouble, my opponent made one poor move which allowed me to set up a mating attack. I would like to show the game, but the weird time limit of G/110m+10s meant that the last 30 moves are missing. I have attempted to reconstruct them (to find the numerous missed mates) but I have been unsuccessful.

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