Thursday, 11 May 2017

Another quick way to draw

One of the benefits of being a chess blogger/magazine editor is that every now and then you receive free books and magazines, either to review, or just because some is looking to send them to a good home. Recently I was fortunate to end up with a collection that included bound copies of Chess World (edited by CJS Purdy) and have been happily flicking through them. In doing so I came across a reasonably well known game, that falls under the heading of the 'quick repetition draw'.
The game was played in 1945 Australian Correspondence Championship and ended in a draw after 7 moves. As it was CC the draw offer was backed up by plenty of analysis, which is sound to this day. In fact after this game was played, this exact variation was played at least 27 times in over the board tournaments, although not every game was drawn. The games where White won seemed to be a case of Black missing the correct follow up on move 11, while Black won if White tried to avoid the draw.

Vaughn,Frank - Purdy,CJS [D82]
Australian CC Championship, 1945


David said...

Where is the repetition or the analysis? That looks like a well scary variation to go into, so much going on, you'd have to be pretty high rated to figure it out over the board.

Shaun Press said...

David, the game itself was agreed to a draw 7, with Purdy sending the moves in brackets as a 'conditional' (eg Black will play these moves in response to the listed White replies). Black either draws by checking on c1 if the king goes to e1, or checking on f5 if the king goes to f3. White cannot hide from the Black queen so a repetition will eventually occur.

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