Wednesday 9 April 2014

2014 ANU Masters - Ikeda victorious

FM Junta Ikeda has wrapped up the 2014 ANU Masters in fine style, with a good win over Wenlin Yin. Ikeda went into this game only needing a draw for outright first, but some nicely judged tactics delivered him the full point. He finished on 6.5/7 a full point ahead of IM Andrew Brown. Miles Patterson took third place with 4/7 (+3=2-2). In the group of players on 3.5, Fred Litchfield would be happy in his first ANU Masters, while Andrey Bliznyuk drew with the top two finishers, but dropped points to some of the lower seeded players. Wenlin Yin also had a solid event to finish on 3.5, while Alana Chibnall and Adrian de Noskowski struggled throughout.

Yin,Wenlin (1941) - Ikeda,Junta (2338)
2014 ANU Masters Canberra AUS (7.2), 09.04.2014

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