Friday, 26 April 2013

Miniature of the Month - March 2013

Delving into the collection of games from ChessToday, I found a somewhat familiar game for the March 2013 edition of Miniature of the Month. It is a fairly thematic hack against the Modern/Pirc setup, where White simply plays Nc3,Be3,Qd2,O-O-O, Bh6, h4 interspersed with some necessary moves like e4 and f3. Black needs to defend very accurately against such a setup, and in this months game, fails to do so. As a result White has a fairly straight forward win.

Van Kampen,Robin (2592) - Arizanov,Tome (2099) [B07]
Karpos Open 2013 Skopje MKD (1.19), 09.03.2013

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats pretty - gxf5 then Qg5# and if the attempted prison break with Kf6, Nd5+ Ke6 and Ng7#