Wednesday 7 May 2008

The Smackdown Challenge

The influx of new (and strong) chess players into Canberra has resulted in a number of new (and bold) ideas. One idea is the revival of interstate team matches, either against teams representing states, or teams representing clubs. Two players who are keen to see this happen are IM David Smerdon, and Endre Ambrus. Both of these players have had plenty of experience in playing in teams events overseas, and both think that it would be great to have it in Australia.
One suggested format is a team of 6 match. Each team would be required to have at least 1 male player, 1 female player, and 1 junior player. Teams would play in ratings order, although players could be swapped as long as the difference between the swapped player and the next player on the team wasn't more than 100 rating points. So for example a Canberra/ANU Chess Club team might be 1.IM David Smerdon 2.IM Andras Toth 3. Endre Ambrus 4. Junta Ikeda 5. Gareth Oliver 6.WIM Arianne Caoili
Now for the moment this is still in the discussion/early planning stage, and how the matches would be played is still being thought out. One obvious way is to play the games over the net, but once again do you use real boards and board runners, or does each player have a terminal. But in the discussion on this matter there was a strong opinion that it would be much more enjoyable to play face to face.
Either way, if anyone else from outside Canberra is interested in participating in such a match, I'd be interested in hearing from you.


Anonymous said...

I think it is in general a good idea. I would suggest having two teams run in a parallel, adult and junior.


Anonymous said...

Does "it would be much more enjoyable to play face to face" mean to use a webcam to see your opponent?

Anonymous said...

A further suggestion in the interest of increasing intersts and exp[osure amongst juniors to tournament and match plays. It is an observation that juniors is a very large group. A second observation is that teens 15 and over do not really relish playing with younger juniors. Third observation: junior chess is really "exploding" in Australia and increasingly so amongst very young juniors. Can I suggest that juniors be split into two, perhaps comprising of juniors =>14-18 and juniors <14.

Can I also suggest that games be played over longer time duration to give exposure to juniors in preparation for possible overseas tournaments.

Unknown said...

The idea sounds nice in theory but probably won't get off the ground if it is anything other than a face to face match up. So we should probably forget about internet and webcam mediums.

The question then arises, how do we facilitate face to face match ups?

The number #1 problem is money. Let's fact facts, it costs money to send a team interstate to play chess.

The second problem is probably time and logistically fielding a state's best team. Different individuals have different agenda's, and being able to carve ou the same period of time to travel interstate to play other teams seems an insurmountable challenge.

But once again I re-iterate that its a cool idea.



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