Monday, 20 January 2025

Hilton Bennett Memorial - Game 8

 After a sequence of drawn games, I finally scored my 2nd win of the event. My opponent had great experience in playing Benoni type systems (1.d4 c5) so I tried to find a sequence that avoided the main lines. As it turned out that we reached a position that closely resembled a Closed Sicilian, with the significant difference being that my d pawn was on d5 rather than d3. As a result I was able to use the extra space to build up a kingside attack without worrying so much about a counter attack in the centre. 

The final finish was evidence that good tactics come from good positions. The win moved me to 4.5/8, which meant I had achieved at least one of my goals, which was to score at least 50% for the tournament. (NB Once again the online broadcast threw in some extra moves at the end, for reasons that were not clear to me this time)

Press, Shaun - van Meter, Lester [A43]
2025 Hilton Bennett Memorial (8.4), 18.01.2025

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