Tuesday 20 April 2021

Candidates resumes

 The 2020(1) Candidates tournament has resumed after a Covid induced break, and the 8th round has already seen some interesting games. As it is starting at the relatively kind time of 9pm (Canberra time), I  have decided to watch it on the big screen (TV) vi the youtube stream from chess24. 

The most interesting game (to me and the commentators) was the Caruana v  Vachier-Lagrave game, where Caruana produced some very deep preparation to cause MVL all sorts of problems in the opening and middlegame. As I write this the game is still in progress with Caruana holding an advantage, but MVL fighting to hold the draw.

However the highlight was the commentary, with Magnus Carlsen being drawn into a discussion of the Bongcloud opening, while looking like he was not quite fully awake for the morning start.

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