Saturday 3 April 2021

2021 O2C Doeberl Cup - Day 2

 Day 2 od the 2021 O2C Doeberl Cup saw all events up and running, with a total of 327 players turning out to play. The quickly changing travel restrictions in Queensland did cause a few players to miss out (and a few to arrive in the nick of time), but it is still a record sized entry for this tournament.

The Premier saw a number of dramatic games, with GM's Justin Tan and Booby Cheng reaching 4/4 after beating GM's Kuybokarov and Fernandez in the evening round. Round 5 sees them paired against each other on board 1, while Anton Smirnov (3.5 after a first round bye), players Temur Kuybokarov on board 2. Smirnov will be looking tor a bit of revenge, having lost to Kuybokarov in a tense playoff match at the Oceania Online Zonal 6 days earlier.

It is still early days for the Major and Minor events, with a big group of players still on 2/2. Nonetheless both events are already proving tough with a few veteran players finding it a challenge against the younger brigade. The Under 1200 is halfway through, with the leading group of 8 players on 3/3, including promising Canberra junior Charles Huang, and former Canberra junior Walter Wolffs, who is returning to chess after a break of a number of years.

You can follow the games from the top boards of the Premier at, while links to tournament results is at GM Ian Rogers is presenting live commentary of the games at the venue, while tonight also sees the 2021 Kinford Doeberl Blitz, which will no doubt attract a very large field. If you wish to play in this you can, with entries taken onsite from Noon today.

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