Tuesday 31 March 2020

It isn't always easier playing online

The rush is now on to get as many online events up and running as possible. As with a lot of things in Australian chess, the ACT led the way ("with remarkable speed" according to GM Ian Rogers), but a number of other organisers are starting regular online events. Some are paid events, some have prize money on offer, while the rest are just being organised to keep the chess community connected.
I must confess I am not a great online player, and tonight proved this in spades. I decided to join in the Monday Blitz Arena, but it did not get off to great start. My first game started with a mouse slip, while my third game was a pre-move disaster where I left my queen en-pris in the opening. I even managed to forget some opening theory I should know, and went from winning to losing in the space of one move. I eventually scored a couple of very lucky wins and stumbled to +1 over 14 games. Once finished I once again had to face the question, "Do I suck because I don't play enough, or do I not play enough because I suck?"


  1. Hi, we are considering that too, so I have two questions: How do you deal with cheaters? Are you using chess.com or lichess?

  2. Hi, we are using chess.com as they are more flexible with their tournament formats. Lichess is a great platform, but they only support Arena format tournaments for clubs and groups (no swiss events as yet).
    As for cheating, it is a combination of an "honour system" and the sites own anti-cheating processes. One of the reasons the events are restricted to players that I (and the other players know) is that anyone suddenly performing 500 points above their normal (face to face) level will instantly stand out!

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