Saturday 25 January 2020

2020 Women's World Championship

While the score after 12 games of the 2020 Women;'s World Championship was the same as the 2018 World Championship (6-6), how they got there was far more entertaining. Six of the twelve games were decisive, including the crucial 12th game where Goryachkina had to win to force the game into tie breaks. This she did, but then lost to Wenjun Ju 2.5-1.5 in the tiebreak games. Ju therefore retains her title as Women;'s World Champion.
This was a close match all the way through, with Goryachkina missing a couple of wins early on. As chess playing friend of mine put it "Goryachkina was the better player, but Ju was the tougher player"

Goryachkina,A (2578) - Ju Wenjun (2584) [D00]
WCh Women 2020 Shanghai/Vladivostok CHN (12), 23.01.2020

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