Monday 20 August 2018

Carlsen wins because ...

The 2018 Sinquefeld Cup is underway, although the early morning viewing start (4 am) is a bit tough for Australian viewers. On the other hand, if the games do run long enough, then there is the chance to catch some action.
For example, when I woke up at 7am the Carlsen Karjakin game was still going, although the position seemed pretty equal. I then ran a few errands, but when I got back, the position was still equal (although Carlsen had saced an exchange for 2 pawns). I then took the dog for a walk, to return to an still equal position, although Carlsen was now pushing hard for a win. And finally, by the time I got back from chess coaching, Carlsen had won the game, because Carlsen is Carlsen.
Whether Carlsen decides to do this to the rest of the field I'm not sure, but if he does, I for one will enjoy watching it over a cup of coffee and the morning crossword.

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