Karl Galli is a long time Canberra chess player, who is well known for his particular choice of opening. He favours a hyper-hedgehog type system (both as Black and White), where he pushes most of his pawns to the third rank. and invites his opponents to take all the space beyond that. Normally this would be suicidal, but the extra wrinkle is that he tries to meet each pawn push with a corresponding push on an adjacent file, trying to keep the position closed. This also prevents the opening of files, often blunting any attacking ideas that normally come from having extra space.
It can be a very effective systems, as the lack of open lines can frustrate his opponents into over pressing and blundering.
I have lost at least once to this system (back in 1993) where the game basically followed the above script. I kept trying to open the position on the kingside, but did not succeed in doing so in an effective manner. Karl however did open up the queenside, allowing his heavy pieces to get into my position. Despite all this, I was still winning for most of the game, until a few moves before the end (maybe I was in time trouble), where I blundered in a bishop ending and resigned a couple of moves later.
Press,Shaun - Galli,Karl [B07]
Tuggeranong Canberra, 1993
1. e4 d6 2. d4 f6 3. f4 e6 4. Bd3 Ne7 5. Nf3 g6 6. Be3 c6 7. Nc3 Bg7 8. Qd2 O-O 9. O-O-O f5 10. h3 a5 11. g4 b5 12. g5 Ba6 13. h4 b4 14. Ne2 Bxd3 15. Qxd3 Na6 16. h5 d5 17. e5 Kf7 18. Ng3 a4 19. Rh2 Qb6 20. Nd2 Rab8 21. Rdh1 Rh8 22. Qe2 b3 23. cxb3 axb3 24. Nxb3 Nb4 25. Kb1 Nxa2 26. Kxa2 Qxb3+ 27. Kb1 Ra8 28. hxg6+ hxg6 29. Rxh8 Bxh8 30. Rc1 Ra4 31. Rc3 Qa2+ 32. Kc1 Qa1+ 33. Kc2 Ra2 34. Bc1 Ra4 35. Qd3 Qa2 36. Ne2 Rc4 37. Rxc4 dxc4 38. Qa3 Qxa3 39. bxa3 Nd5 40. Nc3 Bg7 41. Nxd5 cxd5 42. Bd2 Bf8 43. a4 Ke8 44. Ba5 Kd7 45. Bc3 Kc6 0-1