Thursday 28 May 2015

Oh what a tragedy

Chris Skulte sent me a link to the game below, which was played in 4NCL Div 3 earlier this month. A full blooded Traxler (without the wimpy Bxf7), Black received the usual full compensation for the sacrificed bits around move 13. Missing the sneaky threat of 15. ... Nd3 White thought it would be a good idea to attack the queen with 14.Bg5 only to discover Black did not care for this piece. After that Black's advantage grew and grew, but unfortunately at the expense of almost all the time on his clock. Missing a couple of KO's in time trouble, Black suddenly saw White getting back into the game.  After 23.Nhf7 the assessment flipped in White's favour, and stayed that way for the rest of the game. Quite a sad end to what could have been an absolute masterpiece.

Alcock,Graham - Haldane,Robin [C57]
4NCL, 04.05.2015

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