Sunday 5 April 2015

2015 O2C Doeberl Cup Days 3&4

After 2 tough days of play, Chinese GM Weiqi Zhou has taken an unbeatable lead in the 2015 O2C Doeberl Cup. Finishing the 2nd day on 3.5/4, Zhou scored 4 wins on the 3rd and 4th days to go into the final round on 7.5/8 He had a particularly productive day 4, beating GM's Ramesh and Herbala in successive rounds.
Tied for second place are GM's Ganguly and Johansen. Gangulay is up against thee tournament winner, while Johansen plays IM Bobby Cheng. Cheng is one of 9 players tied on 5.5, and a win over Johansen may move him into a share of 2nd place.
In the Major, Mike Duffin holds a half point lead, with 5.5/6. Close behind are David Cannon, Peter Grinyer and Rewais Sarwat, all on 5. Cannon and Duffin play on the top board tomorrow, while Grinyer and Sarwat battle it out on board 2. The Minor is lead by Zoe Harrison on 5.5/ while Oscar Herrmann and Andrew McKechine hope results go their way to give them a chance of 1st place.
Tomorrows round begins at 9:30am, with the top 6 board from the Premier being broadcast live. You can find the games at the tournament website along with crosstables and a game file from the Premier.


  1. The tournament was abuzz yesterday. The over rated Dowden after losing three times on the lower boards actually didn't lose! As one pundit proposed -
    "If thinking poses at the board meant anything Dowden would be a Super GM!"
    'Cornflake packet FM' Brian Jones again proves that FIDE titles aren't worth a cracker these days as he was completely outplayed by Paul "Highlander" Campbell.

  2. Ahem, Theodore 'Cornflake packet FM' Brian Jones lost to David "Cannonball" Cannon yesterday. Believe it or not he actually beat "Highlander" today.

  3. I admit, I was wrong ... my mistake... Btw How is your precious Joshie going? He had a totally crap tournament! You're not allowed to see him anymore, his rating might drop into the 1700s. No daughter of mine goes out with a 1700 player!!!! Ever! It's not going to happen!!!!

  4. what drugs are you on?

  5. At least he's not a coward like you! Who are you "Anonymous"?


  6. i'm his doctor.
