Of course to win this ending, you also need to know how to win the simpler(?) KNB v K position as well. In the above game MVL did not 'ask' Toamshevsky if he could do this with RxB at the end, but I suspect at lower levels this would have been tried.
I've also attached the whole game to the post, as how they got to the diagrammed position is just as interesting as what happened once they reached it.
Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime (2775) - Tomashevsky,Evgeny (2716) [C88]
Grandprix Tbilisi 2015 Tbilisi (8.4), 23.02.2015
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 O-O 8. a4 Bb7 9. d3 d6 10. Bd2 b4 11. c3 Rb8 12. cxb4 Bc8 13. b5 axb5 14. axb5 Rxb5 15. Ra8 Rb8 16. Rxb8 Nxb8 17. d4 exd4 18. Nxd4 c5 19. Nf3 Nc6 20. Bc3 Be6 21. Nbd2 d5 22. Ng5 Bg4 23. Qc2 c4 24. Nxc4 dxc4 25. Bxc4 Nd7 26. Nxf7 Rxf7 27. Bxf7+ Kxf7 28. Bxg7 Kxg7 29. Qxc6 Ne5 30. Qc3 Bf6 31. Qg3 h5 32. h3 h4 33. Qe3 Be6 34. b4 Qd3 35. Kh2 Be7 36. f4 Qxe3 37. Rxe3 Nc4 38. Re2 Bxb4 39. g3 Nd2 40. gxh4 Bc4 41. Rg2+ Kh6 42. Kg3 Bf1 43. Rh2 Bd3 44. Kg4 Nxe4 45. Kf5 Bd6 46. Rg2 Kh5 47. Rg8 Ng5+ 48. Kf6 Nh7+ 49. Kg7 Bxf4 50. Ra8 Be5+ 51. Kf7 Kxh4 52. Ra4+ Kh5 53. h4 Bb2 54. Rf4 Bc3 55. Ke6 Be1 56. Rf3 Bg6 57. Rf1 Bb4 58. Rf4 Nf8+ 59. Kd5 Be7 60. Rf1 Bc2 61. Rg1 Bb3+ 62. Ke4 Ng6 63. Kf5 Bd8 64. Ke4 Be6 65. Rd1 Be7 66. Ra1 Bc8 67. Ra5+ Kxh4 68. Ra1 Kg5 69. Rg1+ Bg4 70. Rg2 Bc5 71. Rg3 Nf4 72. Ke5 Bf2 73. Ra3 Bh3 74. Ra5 Bg2 75. Ra3 Ne2 76. Ra5 Bg3+ 77. Ke6+ Kg6 78. Ra6 Nd4+ 79. Ke7+ Kg7 80. Ra1 Bh3 81. Rh1 Bg4 82. Rg1 Ne2 83. Rf1 Bf4 84. Rd1 Nc3 85. Rd3 Ne4 86. Kd8 Nc5 87. Rd5 Ne4 88. Rd3 Ng5 89. Ke7 Nf7 90. Rd4 Bg5+ 91. Ke8 Ne5 0-1
1 comment:
And in general club events with 10 second increments and players of average ratings, exchanging after a while to KBN v K is probably the best chance of a draw.
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