Thursday 9 October 2014

Caruana continues to rise

The gap between Fabiano Caruana and World Champion Magnus Carlsen continues to shrink, with Caruana picking up more rating points at the FIDE Grand Prix event in Baku. After 6 rounds Caruana leads with 4.5 (+3=3), half a point ahead of Boris Gelfand. Caruana has defeated Karjakin, Mamedyarov and Andreikin Svidler, to contiue his fantastic recent run of results.
His win over Mamedyarov came about through good defence, after Mamedyarov staked everything on a sacrificial attack. Unfortunately sacrifices and wishes are not enough to win games like these, something that many a club player can attest to!

**Correction: I had Caruana beating Andreikin in the initial version of this post, when it should have been Svidler. It seems I have cursed Caruana as a result, as he has lost to Andreikin in last nights round.

Caruana,Fabiano - Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar [D11]
oktyabr,2014 (4.1), 05.10.2014


  1. eh, Fabulous Fabiano actually lost today.

  2. It would be easy to blame the choice of opening (Scandinavian Defense) as Andreikin isn't a theoretical player anyhow, but I think it just wasn't Caruana's day. It happens to the best of us!

    Caruana still has the Tashkent GP event right after Baku for making up what's left of the ground between him and Carlsen.
