Wednesday 7 May 2014

4NCL - Guildford wins again

The 2013/2014 4NCL season (the UK's teams tournament), ended like it did in the previous year, with Guildford finishing ahead of Wood Green after winning their final round match against there closest rivals. The 'Big 2' once again dominated the event, with a slew of GM's turning out for both teams. There final round match up was incredibly strong with Guildford averaging  2656 over 8 boards, slightly ahead of Wood Green who only averaged 2647! But while the ratings might have predicted a close match, Guildford easily won 6-2 to take the title.
Of the remaining teams, White Rose did the best, finishing in third place, and qualifying for the European Club Championships. This was more a team of 'part timers' although they did ship a couple of GM's (including GM Dejan Bojkov) for the crucial matches. Note should be made of the performance of WIM Sue Mararoa Jones, who scored her first IM norm, as well as her first WGM norm, while playing for White Rose.
Full results of the event can be found at

Jones,Gawain - Laznicka,Victor [B19]
4NCL, 05.05.2014

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