Saturday 8 March 2014

Who is to be Carlsen's Challenger?

The 2014 Candidates Tournament starts in a couple of days, and the winner will play Magnus Carlsen in the next World Championship Match. So two questions: (1) Who would you like to see as Carlsen's next challenger? and (2) Who do you think will win this event?
Of course the answers might not be the same, as the last coup,e of Candidates tournaments have thrown up a few surprises.
My own personal answer is Lev Aronian in both categories, although I am more confident about the (1) than (2). Obviously Kramnik is the other favourite for the event, and while a Carlsen-Kramnik match would also be interesting, it might not be quite as exciting. Topalov has the experience to pose a threat, but may be a few years past his best, while Karjakin could be a dark horse. The other players (including Anand) will have a say in the final outcome, but I can't see any of them challenging for first (and this means dropping my usual tip of Peter Svidler for almost any event he is in!)

1 comment:

  1. Clearly Aronian is the best set to challenge, being world #2 by some margin - but agreed that Kramnik is probably another favourite. Aronian style is so entertaining, closest player in the elite group to exhibit Tal's qualities to venture down the slippery slope of intuitive sacrifices
