Friday 3 January 2014

100 duck sized horses?

Quite an interesting game from the 2nd round of the Australian Championship. Karl Zelesco seemed to be nursing a slight advantage against IM James Morris, until it all went tactical around move 25. When the first round of captures finished at move 30, Zelesco had given up a piece for 3 good central pawns. But Morris then won Zelesco's rook for his 2 queenside pawns, leaving the unusual situation of 7 pawns (4 passed and connected) against Rook, Knight and 2 pawns. Morris managed to capture one of those pawns (and exchange another), but then all of Zelesco's pawns were passers. Despite having a dangerous passer of his own, Morris eventually had to return the rook, and the game ended in a draw after all the remaining pawns disappeared.
(BTW The title of this post is based on the following absurd question: Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses, or 1 horse sized duck? Zelesco's pawns reminded me of 100 duck sized horses)

Zelesco,Karl (2242) - Morris,James (2405) [D36]
2014 Australian Championships Melbourne (2.5), 03.01.2014

1 comment:

  1. There are three things that will survive a nuclear holocaust 1/Cher 2 Cockroaches 3/ Gary Wastell!
