Sunday 11 August 2013

Malaysian Chess Festival 2013

The 2013 Malaysian Chess Festival is underway, and as usual a large contingent of Australian and New Zealand players are taking part. The big event is the Malaysian Open whihc has 12 GM's among the 117 player field. After 3 rounds Max Illingworth is the best placed Australian player, sharing the lead with 3/3.
There is an Amateurs section as well, with Jamie Lee Guo half a point of first with 2.5/3. Finally, a small seniors event is also being held, with FM Brian Jones and CM Paul Spiller (NZ) sitting mid field on 1.5/3.
Tournament coverage is a little spotty, but you can get some information from the tournament blog. If you want to see up to date standings the follow the tournament links from this page.

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