Monday 22 April 2013

The accidental brilliancy

The 2013 Alekhine Memorial got of to an exciting start, in part due to upset losses to Viswanathan Anand and Lev Aronian. Anand lost to Michael Adams while Aronian was on the end of an 'accidental' brilliancy from Liren Ding. With the first time control approaching Ding decided to sacrifice an exchange and then a piece to force perpetual check. However once he reached the time control, he realised his position was winning  and despite being a rook down, had Aronian in an mating net.
In the other games Kramnik defeated Vitiugov, while Svidler v Gelfand and Vachier-Lagrave v Fressinet were drawn.
Live coverage (video and commentary) is available from the tournament website, and with the end of daylight savings, starts at the relatively sensible time of 10pm (Canberra).

Ding,Liren - Aronian,Lev [D45]
2013 Alekhine Memorial Paris, 21.04.2013


  1. Why not 43.Re3 instead of 43.Re5? Doesn't that just win quicker?

  2. 43.Re3 Qxa3 44.Rxa3 bxa3
