Monday 3 September 2012

Getting ready to play

Apart from the Olympiad tournament itself, the Chess Olympiad also hosts the annual FIDE Congress. This means a large number of meetings of the various commissions followed by the General Assembly. Due to scheduling constraints there are times when meetings clash with round times, which can cause problems for some players.
As a result of one such clash, I am about to play my first (and probably only) game at this years Olympiad. When originally selected, the Papua New Guinea team had a full complement of 5 players. Then 5 days before the start of the tournament, Joselito Marcos (Board 2), pulled out. As it was at such short notice, a replacement could not be arranged, which is a real shame as there was 1 player who was willing to go, but had selflessly withdrawn from the selection process as we already had enough players.
Although I was always going to be at the tournament I was not intending to play (and did not apply for selection at all). But when the final registrations were being organised on site, it was suggested that I be put n board 5, in case of an emergency. Now I don't regard poor scheduling of meetings as an emergency, but rather the have PNG default a game, I will pop up on board 4. At least it is against out familiar opponents San Marino (the 4th time I've played against them), and such matches are always friendly and enjoyable.

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