Thursday 26 April 2012

RTRC Meeting - Day 1

We are actually about half way through the first day of the FIDE Rules and Tournament Regulations Commission Counsellors meeting. The morning and early afternoon were spent on the "meat and potato's" of the first 5 articles on the Rules of Chess. These are the sections that define how chess is to be played, before adding in extra rules concerning competition play. Another definition, which did come up during the meeting, is the rules you would find if you brought a chess set from a toy shop. This afternoon will see discussion on more interesting, and possibly challenging, topics. This includes the default time, how to claim a draw by repetition, and a possible new proposal to add the recording of clock times as part of the items you are required to write on your scoresheet. BTW The commission chair is happy for me to blog, tweet and FB the proceedings, so if anything earth shattering is decided, I will try and keep everyone informed.

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